Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wisdom From Within

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Thought processSome of the most costly mistakes I?ve ever made both financially and personally occurred when I did not trust and follow that inner voice of wisdom inside me. I?ve often wondered why we are equipped with that feeling, why some people listen to that voice more than others and how to better develop it.

The inner voice of wisdom is that part of us beyond the conscious and logical mind. This inner wisdom is reached through our intuition and instinctive hunches and validity of our feelings. We tap into this inner wisdom in many ways and often do not even realize we are doing so. Perhaps you pick up an article and see a sentence that has a profound impact on you that day or have a conversation with someone who just happens to say something that resonates deep within you.

How do you increase your ability to connect with this inner wisdom and become more aware of the obstacles that block this connection?

Be Still and Quiet Your Mind: Create space by turning off the TV, phone, internet, etc. Make yourself comfortable and take a few slow deep breaths and begin to sense and receive what insights are there. The mind may react by causing you to feel disturbed and distracted since the egoic mind does not want you to listen within. ?It is only because you think you can run some part or deal with certain aspects of your life alone that guidance of the Holy Spirit is limited,? according to ?A Course in Miracles.

Let Go of the Need to Hear an Answer: Sometimes you and I already have formed an answer in our minds and will not hear anything from within. We simply may be afraid to hear the truth. This is when we have to let go.

Be Willing to Hear: The voice of God can come at any time, in any guise. Guidance is always available even when we don?t realize it. By pushing away ?I should or ought? thoughts, you will begin to recognize things that are only based on surface enthusiasm.

Listen with Trust: Giving up attempts to solve problems with our conscious mind can feel uneasy and threatening to our ego which likes to be in control. Trust your inner guidance even if it does not necessarily make sense from the mind?s perspective. Besides feeling and knowing at a deeper level, you will know your inner wisdom is right when you have a sense of peace or relief and things just flow into place gracefully. Often the path will be paved by others helping you in unexpected ways.

When and How to Listen: Whenever you lose your sense of joy or peace, its time to listen from within. You will know this has happened when you have anger, fear, anxiety, pain, frustration or irritation. Perhaps asking yourself, ?Why am I doing this? What is my intention and motive? Will this bring me happiness?? will help you recognize areas that you are lacking trust and personal responsibility. Remember, the voice from within is something we have to stop and listen to. It will never demand, but rather suggest and advise in ways that do not conflict with your ethics. It will never ask you to attack or hurt others or force them to do things. This inner voice requires our willingness to want it since it is never forced on us. It is important to remember that the ego also has a voice that is often much louder, contradictory, confusing and more forceful than inner wisdom. The ego-based voices often seek to flatter, appeal to specialness, and desire personal gratification. If you closely examine it with patience, you will begin to have a clearer sense of the inner voice versus the ego.

This week I encourage you to be more open to listen to the Holy Spirit that is found everywhere, but most importantly, resides inside you.

Traci Vincent

Tags: awareness, clarity, overcome fear, personal growth, Spiritual Consciousness


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